
Website built to showcase my projects as I continue to become more competent as a web developer. The very website you are currently using! In its current state, static and built with only HTML and CSS with a tiny bit of JavaScript. I intend to continue working on this website and update it as I learn more.

Written as an assigment for Coder Academy, this CLI app allows people who take regularly scheduled medications to keep track of when they need to take them. Written 100% in Ruby. Particularly challenging was the implementation of time and date logic. For more information visit the repo on GitHub!

GigBoard is a two-sided marketplace which aims to connect musicians with venue managers looking for live music. The app is built using Rails, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap, JS and SCSS. Audio file upload for band demos is provided and audio files are stored in the database as Base64 encoded strings. You can check out the app hosted on Heroku or see the source code on GitHub!